Josh Boyce, Blackburn News | September 21, 2017
Lambton College is showcasing sustainable energy projects and initiatives during Friday’s fourth annual Green Energy Doors Open event.
The free public open house is meant to provide the community with the chance to learn more about green technologies being developed or tested at the college.
Executive Dean of Applied Research and Innovation Mehdi Sheikhzadeh says this year’s event highlights the Lambton Energy Research Centre.
“One cool project is a small, portable, non-electric washing machine that is being developed by a start up company that came to us for testing and evaluation,” says Sheikhzadeh. “The technology is called ‘drumi’ by the company Yiergo. We will be showing how this technology can be used for a smaller application.”
Other projects include a mobile platform for energy utilities, a modular hydropower watermill, and a single tracker for generating electrical power and heating water from the sun.
The event, being held in collaboration with the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, goes from 10am until 3pm at the Sustainable Smart House on the north side of the London Rd. campus.
Original article: http://blackburnnews.com/sarnia/sarnia-news/2017/09/21/college-showcase-green-technology/