Melanie Irwin, Blackburn News Sarnia | May 17, 2018
Know any young entrepreneurs who could use some start-up money to kick-off their own business?
The Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership (SLEP) is seeking students to participate in a program where they can create their own summer jobs.
Development Coordinator Chantelle Lynne Core says they will be available with details at Lambton Mall from 2pm-8pm Thursday.
“We are hosting a drop-in session to provide more information to local students between 15 and 29 years old and their parents about the Summer Company Program for youth,” says Core. “It is a provincial government program that has been running successfully since 2001.”
She says the program offers students returning to school a chance to receive a $3,000 grant, along with mentoring and training to start and run their own business for the summer.
Core says students have been successful in the past launching seasonal companies, like lawn care, gutter cleaning, painting and power washing.
She says creative businesses like web development, photography and film production have also done well.
More information can be found here.
original article: http://blackburnnews.com/sarnia/sarnia-news/2018/05/17/help-student-entrepreneurs/