Melanie Irwin, Blackburn News Sarnia | February 24, 2019
Lambton College has launched a new online course to provide management training to tradespeople.
Associate Dean of Technology and Trades Kevin Ryan says it will help people looking to run their own business.
“This program will help them with the management of their business and also any kind of business marketing and budgeting processes that they may not have been familiar with through just their trades training,” said Ryan.
The business trades program has been designed with flexibility and allows tradespeople to complete it on a part-time basis.
Graduates are given a diploma.
The program is the first of its kind in Ontario and is currently available through OntarioLearn for students who enroll through Lambton, Algonquin College in Ottawa and Canadore College in North Bay.
Original article: http://blackburnnews.com/sarnia/sarnia-news/2019/02/24/college-offering-unique-program-entrepreneurial-tradespeople/